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tv   11 News Saturday Morning  NBC  November 17, 2012 5:00am-7:00am EST

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>> up next on 11 news, a body found floating in the harbor is identified as a professor. we'll have the latest. police outmanned. new details emerge as the hearing nears. pge predicts the cold could spark higher gas bills. and why hostess snacks on store shelves will soon disappear. 11 news saturday morning starts right now. >> good morning and welcome to 11 news saturday morning. i'm >> jef jennifer franciotti. lisa has the day off. >> first let's look at
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meteorologist john collins. not too bad out there. chilly. but feels warmer than it is. >> if you look up in the sky, beautiful start to the sky tonight, or early this morning i should say. meteor shower is in process. i didn't see any coming in, but there might be an occasional streak early this morning before sunrise. maybe even tomorrow morning. this morning, there's nothing on the radar nearby. so i have to pull the view back to a national view, try to find rain or snow or something. where we're seeing most of it is out ton west coast. it's been kind of stormy out there for the past week or so. bits and pieces of storms out in the pacific will be coming our way over the next week. we'll have to watch how they develop when they get near the atlantic ocean. the closest to us is down in florida along the atlantic coast line there. that's it. i mean, we're clear as a bell. it's a really nice morning. temperatures are in the 30s. what about the weekend? what about the week leading up
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to thanksgiving? it's in the forecast. our big story this morning. baltimore city police pull a body out of the inner harbor. >> this morning police identified the body as a johns hopkins neurology professor. ky reed tells us investigators are hoping an autopsy will help provide some answers as to what happened to elizabeth ohern. >> according to her facebook pages she was a faculty member in the neurology and neuroscience departments at johns hopkins school of medicine. now, investigators are hoping an autopsy will explain why the 53-year-old woman was found floating off a pier in canton thursday. someone spotted the woman's body floating face down in the water near the 2300 block of boston street at about 4:45 in the morning. ohern lived in a gated commune not far from where her body was discovered. >> it's pretty random.
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>> neighbors say they're especially concerned because oherns is the second body found in the water there in less than two months. >> the likelihood of dieing in that water seems slim because it's so shallow there. it's not very deep. and i mean, i know that things wash up, but you don't expect to it be bodies. >> a male body was found in the harbor there on september 26th, initially police said they were investigating the death as suspicious. no other information was available from police friday night. ohern got her graduate degree at the johns hopkins school of medicine in '85 after graduating from yale. she had been at hopkins since 1994. at this point police don't suspect foul play. ky reed, wbal tv news. county prosecutors dropped all charges against a glenn bernie teen accused in a deadly shooting. states attorneys office tells us there's not enough evidence to charge 18-year-old daniel savage with the murder that happened at
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a party back in october. police say 21-year-old matthew mour row was shot while leaving a party along the 209th street in the early morning hours of october 13th. morrow and a friend were walking down the street when a truck pulled up and someone started shooting. savages friend has been identified as dwight mcleod. he's facing first degree murder charges. police are continuing their investigation. additional charges are expected in the future. a not guilty verdict in the murder trial of a university student accused of killing her roommate over loud music. she was found not guilty in the fatal stabbing of dominique frazier. it took three hours for jurors to come up with the verdict. looking this morning into that melee in towsend in september. documents obtained reveal outmanned officers struggled to gain control of an unruly crowd
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of thousands. here's david collins. >> whoa whoa. >> manned and under manned, police encounter fist fights, defiant mobs and party goers. all under a cloud of marijuana smoke. 1500 people shut down the road and sidewalks and this was only the first wave of trouble. police from four precincts, violent crimes unit, maryland state police from barracks along with towsend university attempted to get control. >> i need the police here immediately. >> towsend library. stay on the phone with me, okay. >> teens used canines to push the crowd south. but according to just release police reports the mob reformed.
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police reports indicate the problem started when the theater began turning people away from a charity event sponsored by a fraternity. owners closed the doors when it reached 600 capacity. police had no effect at all. the crowd stormed the door trying to get in. the owner used a bull horn to say the event was sold out. no one listened. several people were observed laughing at him. he asked for police assistance. with a capacity crowd, a second wave of disturbance. the crowd swelled to 2500 people. the sound of bottles breaking added to the melee. at least one person was cut. police advised business owners to close for their own safety. as police met resistance, shots rang out. the victim had just left the wrecker and was walking to his car parked at the top of the garage when a car drove up and he was shot twice.
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police reports indicate at one point he was trying to break up the fight. the unruly crowd surrounded officers to prevent them from intervening. police used pepper spray to safely withdraw. police arrested 17 for disordinarily conduct and second degree assault. monday the owners of the theater will defend themselves before the liquor board. this is a show cause hearing on why their license should not be suspended or revoked. david collins wbal tv 11 news. baltimore city police say ten violent drug dealers are off the streets this morning, arrested during a massive bust in wet baltimore. total of 24 people in the case have been charged with multiple felony drug crimes. city police say it was a joint effort with atf agents and city prosecutors launched after a surge in violence in the franklin square and penrose neighborhoods. investigators say there's been a surge in violent crime since the summer including a murder and
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ten nonviolent shootings. for victims of domestic violence, finding the help they need can sometimes be difficult, but steps are being taken around the state to change that. a prime example was a gbmc yesterday in towsend. lieutenant governor anthony brown and other state and baltimore county officials tour the new domestic violence program at gbmc friday. the lieutenant governor has close ties to domestic violence after his cousin was murdered by her estranged boyfriend. >> we'll be able to train the professionals, clinicians, doctors, nurses, to be able to help identify those who are victims of domestic violence and more importantly, to connect them to resources in the community so they can break that cycle of violence. >> the new program, which is being primarily funded by care first, will offer patients of the hospital all types of services for victims of domestic violence, including sexual assault. >> we believe that reaching out to these individuals is a huge
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help for a community, as well as getting these victims looped into other resources that are available. >> while gbmc is now the seventh hospital in the state to offer the program, six others have seen a huge success in helping lower the domestic violence rate around the state including mercy medical center, sinai hospital, northwest hospital, prince georges hospital center and mare dit medical center in haguers town. law officials say a lot of times the program helps stop domestic violence cases before they escalate and go to court. >> if we can intercede at that early time, maybe we can prevent a more serious crime from happening. >> which is one of the main goals, says the lieutenant governor, who one day hopes to see the program in every hospital where there's a need. >> i'd like to see the need one day where every hospital has the resources to adopt this type of program. >> for more information on the program, you can log on to our website wbal
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time right now 5:10, 38 degrees. the state makes its latest decision on the sale of crib bumper pads. the ruling still ahead. and lending a hand. what ravens star running back ray rice is doing to make sure local families don't go hungry this holiday season. first a live look outside. john collins has your insta weather plus forecast next. stay with us. 11 news saturday morning is just
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[ female announcer ] introducing yoplait greek 100. 100% new. ♪ 100% greek. 100% mmm... ♪ oh wow, that is mmm... ♪ in fact it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. well ok then, new yoplait greek 100. it is so good. ♪
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>> good morning. clear as a bell out there this morning. it's really nice from that standpoint. little chilly. no rain nearby. on the radar we have to go all the way to florida or really all the way out to the plains, dakotas or west coast before we find rain, snow or stormy weather. it's the west coast that's really had the unsettled weather recently. with storms coming off the pacific ocean. they may play it a close call in our weather during the week next week. we'll talk more about that.
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let's go outside, see what's going on. it's clear as a bell outside right now. and temperatures right near freezing at the airport. 33 degrees. so, might not have hit the low yet. might drop another degree or so before sun rise. 44 at the inner harbor. barometer way way up there at 30.50. northwest wind of three miles an hour. bit of a breeze. just a breeze out there. yesterday 52 was the high. 56 is a normal or average, so we were just a little below the average for the season. looks like that's going to be the case for the next few days. 35 was the low yesterday morning. already a couple degrees cooler than that. again, we may drop another degree or so before temperatures start to really substantially rise. 43 in annapolis, 35 ed wood. frederick 27. 20s and 30s in far western maryland, west virginia, up in pennsylvania. so, the temperatures are about
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where they were yesterday morning at this time. we take a look at the satellite image and we can see nothing going on here. unsettled weather to the south. big area of high pressure sitting over our part of the world. and we see more clouds and stormy conditions the farther west you go. once you hit the rocky mountains, northern plains and points to the west at this stage of the game. here's what the map will look like later this afternoon and this evening. here's the big area of pressure sitting over us. notice it's not out here. it does extend down south but the concentration of it is over new england. so things do start sliding farther east. and eventually things may start to come from the west. we're all going to be watching a lot, developments to the south. starting sunday and extending into wednesday. 'cause it looks like there will be some unsettled weather over the carolina coastal areas off the southeast coast. but today, great. 50 to 55 the high, sunny skies, temperatures a notch or two below the average for the season
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with a light north to northeast wind at five miles an hour. still outside this morning, predawn hours, if you're out looking in the sky to see a meteor streak across from the meteor shower, about ten per hour. it will be at its peak this morning and again tomorrow morning. insta weather future cast. here's that area of high pressure. here's the area we're watching for the next day or two, down in the south. may bring some clouds our way. precipitation will stay in the carolinas. high pressure stays with us but another system develops south of us on wednesday moisture into the lower portions of the cheseake bay. other models have it further south and further out to sea. it looks like the storm will be pulling itself together. far enough off shore we may get some breezy conditions, but it looks like the rain making part of the storm will stay off shore. seven day forecast for the time being is dry although we pick up more cloudiness beginning late sunday into monday, tuesday, wednesday because we have the questions about what's going on
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to our south. highs in the 30s. lows will be in the 30s. highs in the 50s, lows in the 30s. thanksgiving day right now looks fine. >> little turkey right there. more and more families across central maryland are struggling to make ends meet. this morning 3,000 of them are getting a free meal ahead of thanksgiving. all thanks to the united way harvest of plenty program. it's actually the most meals ever distributed in the program's 20 year history. organizers tell us rising food costs, unemployment and a down economy have looked to a rise in requests for thanksgiving meals. in response to the increased need for food, officials say they're helping 500 more familys this year than they did last year. lot of that is thanks to donations from the public. a $12 contribution can help feed family of sick for thanksgiving night. >> it provides thanksgiving meal for people who want to stay at
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home. the meals we give out today feeds a family of six. for those people who maybe have family members who can't go out, go someplace el for a thanksgiving meal. >> if you'd like to donate to the united way of central maryland head to our website, wbal we have a link with all the information you immediate to help someone's holiday more special. ray rice is doing his part to help by stuffing a bus, several buses. it's all to benefit the maryland food bank. number 27 joined folks at the shop right yesterday stuffing empty buses full of nonperishable food items to help feed familys this holiday season. the event continues today from 9 until 5. some of the food banks most needed items include peanut butter, infant formula, diapers, oatmeal and pasta. bet that was a big surprise. >> how cool is that. a always a good opportunity to sea ray rice. can eating fish oil help
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tackle depression? why researchers say this is especially important for most women. looks like twinkies and hostess cup cakes going the way of the eight track and record players. true. they're going to disappear. we'll tell you why. petraeus on the hill. i'm in washington with more on what the former cia director told lawmakers about his affair and that deadly attack in libya coming up.
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♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios in multi-grain cheerios peanut butter.
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>> in this morning's alert, maryland will ban the sale of baby crib bumper pads starting next year saying the items have no benefit and have been deemed a serious risk to infant's health. the department made that announcement yesterday. the ban will take effect on june 21st. state health officials suggest babies sleep alone, on their backs alone in a crib.
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risks include suffocation and strangulation. it looks like a new research from johns hopkins school of medicine confirmed that using a helmet when skiing and snow boarding decreases the risk of severity of head injuries. doctors say some complain that wearing a helmet reduces visibility and may create a false sense of security but their studies found most severe head injuries happen when skiers were not wearing helmets. a new study all shows too much air pollution may make your head foggy. researchers at the university of southern california analyze data on nearly 15,000 older adults. those living with areas of fine air par tick late matter did worst on tests of function and memory. air pollution has already been linked to heart and lung problems but this is the first large scale study to show an association with brain function. preliminary studies suggest eating more fish rich in omega
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threes could help reduce the risk of post partum depression. a woman's level of omega 3 fatty acid decreased during pregnancy and remained low for six weeks after birth. while much more research needs to be done to prove this, most agree americans need to boost their intake of healthy fish like salmon. some good news and bad news for 650,000 customers who heat their home with natural gas. we'll have details coming up. but first here's a look at some of the events going on around town this weekend. hqhqhqhqhqhqhq
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take advantage of exceptional values on the audi a8 during the season of audi event. ♪ you know how twinkies are supposed to have a ridiculously long shelf life? the company that makes them hit its expiration date. hostess is going out of business leaving more than 18,000 people without a job including folks right here in maryland. this 11 news report, fearing a world without twinkies, ho-hoes or ding dongs, people across the country began stocking up. at the hostess store, lots of the shelves were almost empty. word came down this morning that hostess was going out of business and the store would be closing. this morning drivers went out on their route then parked their trucks for the last time. >> it's a tough time for everybody. just trying to make the best of
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it. >> any idea when you're going to be closed for good? >> 6:00. >> it's over today? >> some stores will be open again, but 6:00. >> the strike started last friday and we were told the company wanted the workers to take an 8% pay cut. with a thur day deadline the company decided to go out of business, closing 34 bakeries, 570 stores, putting nearly 18,500 people out of work. >> i think the bakery could have done better than striking like that. it affects everybody. >> what are you gonna do, sir? >> i have no idea. >> so this afternoon here at the store, they were putting out the last boxes of twinkies that they
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had to sell. do you think somebody else will make them? >> sure. somebody will buy it. >> it is what it is. >> for the customers who had been coming here for years, this is a sad day. >> terrible, you know? it could have been saved. something could have been done. there's a lot of people that will lose a lot of jobs over it. it's a sad thing. been here a long time. we shop here all the time. >> this place was a blessing. it really was a blessing in disguise. this morning i was broke and somebody asked me for a loaf of bread and i did have 99 cents. so, for me, it was a real blessing. >> the cup cakes are one thing. people losing their jobs is another thing. especially so close to christmas. >> wbal tv 11 news. >> see your favorite hostess snacks through the years and tell us which treat tickled your sweet tooth on our website wbal click features. >> you feel bad for the folks losing their jobs. >> i'm telling you, twinkies are
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not dead. i think all the brands will be purchased by another company and hopefully a lot of these folks can still keep their jobs. >> a piece of americana. time right now 5:28, 38 degrees. coming up we're gonna look at some of the morning's top stories. despite increased usage, bge predicts lower gas bills in more than a decade. we'll tell you the reason why, coming up next. skies are clear this morning and that's going to lead to sunny skies during the day today. the forecast coming up. hey, look! a shooting star! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering.
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get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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and welcome back to 11 news saturday morning. thanks for joining us. >> we'll get to our top stories in just a second, but first john says we could see a meteor shower. >> maybe this morning and maybe tomorrow morning. you need dark conditions. it's dark and clear. we're going to start getting upwards of dawn so it will be tough to see within 20, 30 minutes. the whole eastern seaboard with the exception of florida is in the clear. to find any significant rains either the atlantic coast of florida, a few showers and a little snow mixed in to the dakotas.
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then you have to go out to the west coast, up in california or seattle and oregon to find unsettled or stormy weather. elements of those storms may eventually wind up on the east coast. hopefully south of us in the coming week. of course, leading up to thanksgiving so i'll detail the forecast in just a minute. >> thanks, john. there's a wintry mix of news this morning when it comes to the inevitable chilly conditions in the coming months. >> bge predicts you'll probably pay more for your heating bills but there's one important cavea caveat. >> bundle up. forecasters predict colder temperatures this winter. therefore, bge predicts higher gas bills, upwards of 11% higher than last year. customers are expected to use more heat and pay roughly $9 more per month. despite the increase, bge said it's the second lowest bill hike in a decade. that's because market prices remain at historic lows and
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supply is up. >> combination of a downturn in the economy, combined with the fact that there have been new reserves, shale reserves for natural gas that have been discovered. >> your bill is determined by how much you dial up that thermostat so to what degree will it spell savings for you and me? >> if you could set it at 68 that's the ideal temperature. but again, it really depends on your own home. >> with visions of a 2010 snow apocalypse still dancing in our head, baltimore's mayor is trying to get ahead of any storm that may come. friday she promised that the city is prepared this time around. the city's snow removal budget stands at $2.7 million which is expected to pay for more than 300 essential personnel, 150 pieces of equipments and 15,000 tons of salt to do the job. >> we also have worked on a contract ahead of time to make sure that we have adequate resources in house and externally to deal with snow
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piling up and moving it out. >> wbal tv 11 news. taking a look at some other top stories. city police are investigating a shooting in southwest baltimore. it happened just after 10:00 friday night in the 3,000 block of elgin avenue. no word yet on the victim's condition, a motive or suspect in this case. a school bus accident shut down a stretch of route 97 in howard county. that bus ended up on its side after colliding with a car in glenn wood around 2:30 yesterday afternoon. police say there was one student on board the bus at the time, but no one was hurt. the bus driver and the other driver suffered minor injuries and there's no word on what caused that crash. fire officials are trying to figure out what caused an auto repair shop to burst into flames. fire crews responded to the scene at the 600 block of crane highway around 2:30 friday morning. they say it took 63 firefighters two hours to put out that two alarm fire. no injuries were reported. he was the second oldest serving congressman until about two weeks ago.
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still ahead on 11 news, roscoe bartlett sits down with 11 news to talk about family and his plans after losing re-election. and gear up for one of the biggest games of the season. oh, yeah, baby, what to expect as the team takes on the steelers next. stormy weather showing up ton satellite imagery is either to the east or south of west of us, for the time being. we'll talk about the insta we'll talk about the insta
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♪ use freedom and get cash back. ♪ack. ♪ five percent on hotels and airlines. ♪ ♪ oh everybody conga line, ok! activate your 5% cash back at ♪ everybody get, everybody get! ♪ radar all clear around here this morning with clear skies. the nearest rain to us is down in florida just off the coast along the atlantic coastal areas of florida. little snow/rain mix up in the
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dako dakotas. see eras getting snow, lower elevations getting rain. all the way up to seattle and vancouver. that stormy weather out west will be persistent for the next day or so, or three or four in case you have plans to travel the west coast. all right. let's look at our own situation. clear as a bell out there. 33 at the airport. inner harbor 44, humidity 77%. that's pretty dry atmosphere. readings always high in the morning. the number will go down considerably once the sun comes up and starts heating things up. the barometer way way up there. that's giving us dry conditions. northwest wind, light, three miles an hour. it's transported these chillier temperatures down our way. annapolis, 31 parkton. fredericks down to 32. at or below freezing. satellite image shows the dry conditions over us. big area of high pressure kind
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of stormy conditions along the florida atlantic coast. little disturbance in the dakotas producing a mix of rain and snow and then stormy conditions on the west coast. surface map the way it looked later this afternoon or this evening. big area of high pressure. at least it's dry. stormy conditions to the south of us, we're going to have to watch the areas to the south of us over the next few days. some unsettled area over the atlantic ocean. we'll see how close some of that gets to us as we approach thanksgiving. otherwise a pretty good forecast. especially today. lots of sunshine. much like yesterday afternoon. 50 to 55 the high. these are temperatures just a little below the average for the season. close enough to call it fair. north/northeast wind at five to ten miles an hour. boaters in the bay today, you get out over the open waters. there will be a breeze this afternoon. two foot chop. no flags are out right now. they go out later tonight and
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tomorrow. breeze should pick up tomorrow. all across the area especially on the bay. we look at the global situation. here's the stormy weather out in the west coast. gets more confined to the gulf of alaska by the time we get to thanksgiving. we look for dips in the jet stream. the jet stream follows this line so there's a dip out there out over the pacific. you get stormy weather in the northwest. a little bit of a dip here with the jet stream coming into the dakotas. there might be something going on here. this thing off the atlantic coast, off the mid-atlantic coast. something going on south of us come thanksgiving. it looks like it will be far enough away. here's what we're doing with the forecast. no rain here. 53 today. 51 tomorrow. lots of sunshine today. we do pick up some clouds tomorrow. we're in and out of the clouds monday, tuesday, wednesday. then thursday we straighten that out. highs in the 50s, lows in the 30s until just before thanksgiving when they come up.
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at the moment we have an optimistic forecast. >> good to be optimistic on thanksgiving. >> special, purple friday, i guess purple saturday now ahead of sunday's big ravens game. that's when the baltimore ravens take on the pittsburgh steelers. >> the dreaded squealers. it's a rivalry that has fans ready for sunday night right now. >> purple coat, purple nails. >> purple pride for the baltimore ravens ahead of one of the biggest games of the season. here it is, week 11 already, and we're just now getting to watch the first ravens/steelers matchup. division rivals and one of the best rivalries in the nfl. >> i'm excited, nervous, anxious, but i think we're gonna win. >> i can't wait until they come here. >> i like it. it's really fun. my friends in school like the steelers, so it's none when the steelers lose against the ravens so i get to be like, oh, steelers lost. >> seems like when pittsburgh and ravens play, it's like a big
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rivalry, you know? lot of pittsburgh fans can't stand the baltimore ravens and the baltimore ravens do not like pittsburgh. so i can't wait until sunday night. high def, sitting right there in front of the game. best thing about it, no ben. no ben! >> that's right. with big ben out for the game, some fans are saying it's not going to be the same. others not so much. >> no, not at all. i hope he gets better but we're happy he's out of the picture. >> i'm one of those that says, yes, when i heard that he was hurt. >> going to be more than a few players hurting monday on both sides, because these two teams play tough. >> go ravens! hoot hoot! >> oh, it's gonna be a good game tomorrow night. >> it sure is. can't wait. >> former cia director david petraeus is back on the hill. coming up what he told lawmakers about that deadly attack in libya.
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he represented maryland's sixth district in congress for 20 years. now roscoe bartlett is heading back to the farm. we talk with the second oldest serving congressman next. but first here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. good luck. [ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent.
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oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin
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a week after resigning as cia director over a sex scandal, general david petraeus made his first appearance on capitol hill. he met privately with lawmakers to brief them on the attack in libya that left four americans dead. we get more details this morning from our nicole killian in washington. >> the on glimpse of retired
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general david petraeus was his motorcade, racing off after the former cia director briefed house and senate committees ton u.s. consulate attack in libya. >> general petraeus briefing was comprehensive. i think it was important. it added to our ability to make judgments about what is clearly a failure of intelligence. >> lawmakers say petraeus told them classified intelligence showed the deadly raid was terrorism. >> they now clearly believe that it did not rise out of a demonstration. it was not spontaneous. there was clear terrorist involvement. >> petraeus said that was part of the talking points the cia drafted soon after the assault but he suggested it may have been removed in a version that was used by susan rice. >> the key is that there were unclassified talking points. and a very early stage. and i don't think she should be covering for this. >> lawmakers say petraeus
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explained the administration held references to terrorist groups in the talking points so as not to tip the suspects off. nicole killian, wbal tv news. in washington, president obama and congressional leaders are promising to compromise after their first to first meeting on the fiscal cliff since the election. friday's talk come amid growing pressures to prevent massive tax increases and spending cuts from taking effect on january 1st. republicans say they are willing to talk about increasing revenue while democrats recognize they'll have to give a little too. >> my hope is that this is going to be the beginning of a fruitful process. >> to show our serious, we put revenue on the table. slong it's accompanied by significant spending cuts. >> we're both going to have to give up some of the things that we know are a problem. >> investors say optimism that a deal could be on the horizon helped push stocks higher
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yesterday. and both sides will meet again after thanksgiving. roscoe bartlett is a ten-term congressman who carries a copy of the constitution with him at all times. you probably didn't know he grew up in depression era rural kentucky. >> so poor that his mother made his family's clothes after feed sacks. after losing his re-election bid, the piercely private bartlett agreed to sit down. he explained how a past he's been reluctant to reference before has left a lasting impact on capitol hill. >> i just have been very lucky. i have been very lucky. >> after 20 years representing maryland's sixth district in congress, 86-year-old roscoe bartlett is packing up his office, going back to his farm. >> my present plan is to retire. i have earned that. we'll see what happens. >> his resume would make your head spin. farmer, doctor, business man, scientist and engineer for johns
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hopkins, nasa and the navy. an inventor with 20 patents including the precursor to life support gear used by astronauts and firefighters. important parts of his past that have shaped his conscience, his votes and his legacy. >> i think it gives you a better appreciation of the background impacts would have. >> his greatest accomplishments here fostering friendships across the aisle supporting embryonic stem cell research without destroying embryos and going to the mat for green energy. >> my friend ben carter same. he said roscoe was green before it was cool to be green. >> but not enough to address the looming oil crisis is a regret and he still worries about a long ago vote in favor of medicare part d. >> that was a huge increase in mandatory spending.
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because i bought newt gingrich's argument. >> after two failed runs for office, roscoe bartlett finally won the sixth district seat back in 1992 after the district lines were redrawn. he lost the seat this year when the boundaries were redrawn once again, a chunk of conservative voters chopped off a piece of suburban dc tacked on. the electorate change, the democrat won and bartlett said he's not bitter. >> the constituents in western maryland have explained their frustrations. they don't think they will be represented. >> his ten terms are up. time now he says to tackle a wish list of projects he put off for too long starting with farm and family. >> i have got ten kids and 18 grand kids and two great grand kids. we'll get to see more of them. who knows what the future holds? >> in washington, kate amare, wbal tv 11 news. >> roscoe bartlett is currently the second oldest serving congressman after ralph hall of
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texas. >> that is quite a resume. >> sure is. very impressive. >> then you add all those inventions. >> hopefully he'll enjoy his retirement. >> that's important. stay with us. there's much more ahead on 11 news saturday morning. i'm pete gilbert. coming up in sports we'll check into some high school football. last night was a perfect night for it. we had a game that came down to the final second to see who would win the aaa north. that story straigh
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ah. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked.
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just two weeks after the teams go into m&t bank stadium to play for a state championship, couple games you have to win to get to that point. regional finals last night. we're going to start with aaa north. this was something special. baltimore county franklin playing host to millford. tied at 14.
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hilton racing in. that's a nice cut. his third td of the night. 24 yards. 21-14. not long after, reggie ellis. just walked in. 13 yards. franklin in control 20-14. but they stormed back. kyle mckertcheon, option pitch, white. 28-27 the extra point though no good. 2:40 to play. millford mill at it again. mckurtcheon. option. very good option to have. 61 yards for a touc
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>> lets it fly. off and gone. 78 yards. raiders did fight back but river hill moves on, winning the aa east 35-27. checking some college basketball last night. in college park, maryland playing host to liu brooklyn. first half. split the defender. can't finish. no matter. alex land there to put things back. end of the half, seth allen. that three. just before the buzzer. maryland with the lead at the break. second half.
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breaking out. the assist from howard. howard with ten assists. it was five out of six from downtown. team high 19 points. mared improves to 2-1 with a 91-74 victory. that's sports. i'm pete gilbert. notre dame football today. we'll see you back here tonight at 11. all right. time now 5:57 and it is 38 degrees. here's a look ahead to some of our stories coming up on 11 news saturday morning. even with an lected 11% increase in your heating bill, bge is saying you'll be paying far less than you did a decade ago. we'll explain. we should see a lot of sunshine today. that insta weather plus forecast, a good weekend one coming up. and how did a johns hopkins professor end up dead in the inner harbor? what police know so far when 11 news saturday morning continues. stay with us.
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good morning. welcome to 11 news saturday morning. jennifer franciotti. lisa has the day off. >> top stories in just a moment but first at look outside at meteorologist john collins. the frost on the windshield is always a reminder that warm weather is gone. >> right. got to start allowing for this when i'm coming to work. a few extra seconds. some mornings it's stickier than others. there was a little on the windshield this morning. we had clear skies.
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a little bit of a breeze. but the clear is the nice part. yesterday we started out with clouds, got into the sun. so today we're starting out a little better in that regard. it looks like we're going to be in good shape. rain to the south in florida. then all kinds of stuff going on especially out west. there's a disturbance in the dakotas. west coast has just been stormy on and off again. that will continue. weather here, kind of quiet. we'll be watching the south as we approach thanksgiving. i'll detail that coming up. our big story this morning. there are more questions than answers after baltimore city police pull a body out of the inner harbor. >> this morning police identified that body as a johns hopkins neurology professor. as ky reed tells us, investigators are hoping an autopsy will help provide some answers as to what happened to elizabeth ohern. >> according to her linked in and facebook pages elizabeth
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ohern was a faculty member in the neurology and neuroscience departments at johns hopkins school of medicine. now investigators are hoping an autopsy will explain why the woman was found floating off a pier in canton thursday. police say someone spotted the woman's body floating face down in the water near the 2300 block of boston street about 4:45 in the morning. ohern lived in a gated condominium community not far from where her body was discovered. >> it's pretty random you would think. >> neighbors say they're especially concerned because ohern is the second body found there in two months. >> likelihood of dieing in that water is slim because it's so shallow. it's not very deep. i know things wash up but you don't expect to it be bodies. >> a male body was found in the harbor september 26th. initially police said they were investigating the death of suspicious.
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no other information was available from police friday night. according to her facebook page, ohern got her graduate degree in '85 after graduating from yale. she had been at hopkins since 1994. at this point police say they don't suspect foul play. ky reed reporting for wbal tv 11 news. prosecutors have dropped all charges against the teen accused in a deadly shooting. states attorneys office tells 11 news that there's not enough evidence to charge 18-year-old daniel savage with the murder that happened at a party in pasadena back in october. police say 21-year-old matthew morrow was shot while leaving a party in the 209th street in the early morning hours of october 13th. morrow and a friend were walking down the street when they say a truck pulled up and someone started shooting. savages friend ronald mcloud of columbia is still facing first degree murder charges. police are continuing their investigation. we know additional charges are expected sometime in the future.
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a not guilty verdict in the murder trial of a university student accused of killing her roommate during an argument over loud music. a jury found alexis simpson not guilty on all seven counts in the fatal stabbing of dominique frazier last september. it took only three hours for jurors to deliberate and come up with that verdict. a new look this morning into that melee in towsend back in september. documents obtained by the i team reveal outmanned officers struggled to gain control of an unruly and defiant crowd of thousands. here's david collins. >> manned and under orders to make as few arrests as possible, baltimore county police encountered fist fights, drunk and defiant roving mobs and irate party goers, all under a cloud of marijuana smoke. 1500 people shut down the road and sidewalks. and this was on the first wave of trouble.
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police from four precincts, the investigative services unit, canine corps, maryland state police, along with university officers attempted to take control. numerous calls to 911 reveal police had their hands full. >> i need police here immediately. >> towsend library. >> stay on the phone with me. >> teens used canines to push the teens south. the mob would reform. police reports indicate it began when the wrecker theater began turning people away from the theater. owners closed the doors when it reached 600 capacity. police said there was no effect at all, the crowd broke the door trying to get in. owner brian wrecker used a bull horn to tell the crowd the event was sold out. no one listened. several people were soefshed laughing at him. he asked for police assistance. with the capacity crowd from the
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wrecker left, it created a second wave of disturbance. the crowd swelled to 2500 people. the sound of bottles breaking added to the melee. at least one person was cut. police advised business owners to close for their own safety and keep patrons inside until order was restored. as police met resistance, shots rang out. the victim had just left the wrecker and was walking to his car parked at that time towsend center garage. police reports indicate at one point, trying to break up a fight behind the wrecker, the unruly crowd surrounded officers to prevent them from intervening. police used pepper spray to safely withdraw. one officer suffered a laceration on his arm. police arrested seven people for disordinarily conduct. monday the owners will defend themselves. this is a show cause hearing on
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why their license should not be suspended or revoked. baltimore city police say ten violent drug dealers are off the streets, arrested during a massive bust in west baltimore. 24 people in the case have been charged with multiple felony drug crimes. the operation was a joint effort between atf agents and city prosecutors. it was launched after a surge in violence in the franklin square and penrose neighborhood. investigators say they have seen an uptick in violent crimes since the summer, including a murder in ten nonfatal shootings. for victims of domestic violence, finding the help they need can sometimes be difficult, but steps are being taken around the state to change that. a prime example was yesterday at gbmc in towsend. lieutenant governor anthony brown and other state and baltimore county officials tour the new domestic violence program at gbmc friday. the lieutenant governor has close ties to domestic violence
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after his cousin was murdered by her estranged boyfriend. >> we'll be able to train people to identify those who are victims of domestic violence but then more importantly to connect them to resources in the community so they can break that cycle of violence. >> the new program which is being primarily funded by care first will offer patients of the hospital all types of services for victims of domestic vie len including sexual assault. >> we believe reaching out to these individuals is a huge help for the community, as well as getting these victims looped into other resources that are available. >> while gbmc is now the seventh hospital in the state to offer the program, six others have seen a huge success in helping lower the domestic violence rate around the state including mercy medical center, sinai hospital, northwest hospital, prince georges hospital center and
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meredith medical center. lot of times the program helps stop domestic vie len cases before they escalate and go to court. >> if we can intercede at that early time, maybe we can prevent a more serious crime from happening. >> which is one of the main goals said the lieutenant governor who hopes to one day see the program in every hospital where there's a need. >> i'd like to see the day, one day where every hospital has the resources to adopt this type of progra program. >> you can log on to wbal time right now 6:08. 38 degrees. thanksgiving just a few days away. can't believe it. >> we're going to have a feast later. >> if you haven't gone shopping yet, check out the consumer alert. coming up how much that turkey could run you. >> a sour end to the sweet staple. why twinkies and other snacks on
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store shelves will soon disappear. but first a live look outside. gorgeous morning out there. john collins has your weather john collins has your weather plus forecast ne [ female announcer ] it's deliciously dark just before dawn.
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it's a rainy morning becoming a caramel drizzle. with folgers gourmet selections, you can turn any day gourmet.
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new roasts, new flavors, and a new look. beautiful morning this morning. nice clear skies. very quiet. little chilly. but the storms are nowhere near us. we have to look at the entire nation to find rain anywhere around us. high area of pressure sitting around us over the eastern seaboard. vein all south down in florida or out west. there's a disturbance in colorado producing rain or snow depending on the elevation or temperature. then stormy out in the west coast as well. that's been the coast. west coast has not had great weather. today, north of los angeles all the way up to vancouver, british columbia. rain, snow at the higher elevation. us, we're looking great. our view here is ocean city. sun is beginning to show the first light of dawn.
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and ocean city right now, let me look at my little chart here. temperatures 34. 32 at bwi marshall. the humidity, little high. it always is in the morning. atmosphere pretty dry. dew point 27. barometer is way up there. 32 at easton. chestertown 33. edgewood 34. parkton down to 34. these temperatures roughly speaking are where the lows will wind up. airport is 32. that's the airport. from freezing to below freezing out in western maryland and parts of west virginia. we look at the city. we're all clear here. as far as the skies are concerned. here's that big area of high pressure. there's a little stalled boundary, more than a front, up north of the great lakes. that explains some of the clouds they have up there. the nearest weather disturbance, down near the florida coast, or
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out in the dakotas back in nevada. they're even getting snow in the mountains of colorado. then we have the west coast. our forecast today is quiet, nice, and lots of sunshine all day long. not just part of the day. 50 to 55 the high. these temperatures still just a degree or two below what we'd consider average for the season. winds ten miles an hour. by the time we get to sunday afternoon we see a little storm. the disturbance is down near florida. drifts up to the carolinas. it will probably toss some clouds at us. we're still under the influence of the high so it will probably hold the rain to the south. another disturbance. the elements of the west coast storm starts to make its presence known on this particular model. by wednesday afternoon off shore a storm develops. but rain really not an issue around here. the storm is far enough off shore that it looks like going into thanks giving will be in good shape. what about the game at
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pittsburgh. they're kind of enjoying the same weather we are tomorrow night. ravens/steelers game 8:20. only in the 40s. temperatures during the game. our forecast, 50s for highs, 30s and 40s for lows over the next few days. dry weather. we'll watch to see how things develop. little fog monday morning. turkey day looks great. >> no doubt more and more families are struggling to make ends meet. this morning 3,000 are getting a free meal ahead of thank ps giving. all thanks to the harvest of plenty program. it's the most meals ever distributed in the program's 20 year history. organizers tell us food costs, a down economy have led to a rise in requests for thanksgiving meals. united way officials say they are helping 500 more families this year than they did last year. lot of that is thanks to donations from the public. >> this provides a thanksgiving meal for people who want to be
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able to stay at home. the meals we give out today feeds a family of six for those people who maybe have family members who can't go out and go someplace el for a thanksgiving meal. >> if you'd like to donate to the united way of central maryland head to wbal we have a link with all the information you need to make someone's holiday more special. >> that's nice. don't let the meal be the only thing that draws you to the table on this thanksgiving day, all right. there's some more important things. >> good decorations. >> next, low cost tips when it comes to deck kating your table for the holiday. >> and despite increased usage, bge is predicting lower gas bills in more than a decade. we'll tell you the reason next. representative roscoe bartlett, the exit interview. i'm kate amare on capitol hill. coming up next he tells us his greatest achievement, his biggest regret and what he plans
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the cost of your thanksgiving dinner starts this morning's consumer alert. we did all the math here. turkey with all the fixings should run you, listen, $49.48. that's for the classic thank ps giving dinner according to the annual survey from the american farm bureau federation. the bird eats up most of the cost at about $22. then comes milk at $3.59 a gallon and sweet potatoes, three pounds for about $3.15. pumpkin pie mix will run you about $3. stuffing less. then rolls, whipped cream, paes, pie shells, cranberries and other miscellaneous items. i am starving now. do you know how twinkies are supposed to have a ridiculously long shelf life? the company hit its expiration date. hostess is going out of business leaving 18,000 people without a
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job. the decision was announced after one of the biggest unions went on strike to protest a wage cut. customers across the country are now reportedly stocking up. >> cup cakes are one thing. people losing their jobs is another thing. especially so close to christmas. >> hostess filed for bankruptcy protection in january. 33 factories will now close. a spokesman said the last batch of twinkies rolled off the production line yesterday morning. fire hazard prompts the recall of more than 200,000 lawnmower engine filters. the fuel filter on the engines can leak, posing a fire hazard. the engines were sold from october of 2011 through august for 2000 to $10,000. they were sold under a variety of names. log on and click on product recall at the bottom of the page to see if yours is affected. and to get a free repair kit.
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decorating your table for thanksgiving does haven't to empty your wallet. we'll show you a few ideas that are really cheap when we come back. but first here's a look at some of the events going on around town. [ male announcer ] what can you experience in a seat?
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inspiration. great power. iconic design. exhilarating performance. [ race announcer ] audi once again has created le mans history! [ male announcer ] and once in a great while... all of the above. take your seat in the incomparable audi a8. take advantage of exceptional values on the audi a8 during the season of audi event. ♪ >> welcome back. gina is joining us to see how you can jazz up your
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thanksgiving dinner. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> let's start with the wine bottle. >> your table is beautiful. nobody will remember the mashed potatoes were closed. >> they won't remember anything. >> i like to decorate mine. this is really easy. you can see it comes right off. this is scrap booking paper. i just wrapped it around. just used burlap. >> you can get this at a craft store. >> little hot glue. >> yeah, glue. spray the edges. >> how simple is that. >> i like to take the corn husks. just rip off the ends and then you fray them like this. >> you put them on top. >> little ribbon on top. top of it. let's look at these glasses.
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you actually beaded the bottom. easy. >> these i got at the dollar store. now looks like something fancy you would buy. >> you took beads like these. >> you need a really strong load. these won't be put in the dish washer. >> a strong glue? >> i use an silicon glue. i went to the hardware store. something that works in a fish tank is good. even though it's not going to be in a fish tank. >> it will stay. >> you can use jewelry. then use the beads and sprinkle them on. they look beautiful. >> mismatched glasses. >> i thought they were real. >> made them out of pages from a dictionary. >> i went to this craft store. i love that place. they have this specialty craft
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store. i took a class there. i learned about this spray ink. what you do, i actually use a leaf for the pattern. get some real leafs. cut them out from a dictionary. spray this with ink. it just blends. look at this. you take a pencil and curl the edges around. look. these are some real leaves from my yard. >> i got made fun of when i said we were going to make napkin rings out of toilet paper rolls. >> you puff them up smile. >> the width of a ribbon. just wrap it around. >> this is ribbon with wire to it. >> you don't have to but i like the ribbon with the wire. here's one right here. >> that's so pretty and easy.
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this is something you did with twigs. >> i just went in the woods. it was fun. i just put them in there. i glued some leaves. i bought these ghourds at the dollar store. i used halloween orange. put the ribbon around. you can see right here. >> way to jazz up your existing center piece. >> exactly. then pumpkins. i like the bathroom to look really pretty so when they go in there it's pretty. i put a scented candle. i decorated this with glitter glue and leaves. >> that's so pretty. >> people walk in say thanksgiving. >> another use for your paper, paper towel holders. it's fun to do when the turkey is cooking. >> cooking something that used to be alive running around.
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>> thank you so much for joining us. beautiful idea. for more information, you can go to gina's website. her head is bursting with ideas. gina 6:29. 38 degrees. we have much more news coming up. you're watching 11 news saturday morning. we'll have cookies for ya.
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welcome back to 11 news saturday morning. thanks for joining us. >> want to make sure you get some of gina's brownies. >> this craft segment. >> spray painted. >> it smells really good. >> you have to cheat a little bit here. >> good enough to get outside and do yard work today. >> work it off. that's about three hours worth there. running around. today will be a good day to get out in the yard. yesterday, gorgeous. we made it into the low 50s for
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highs. we should do that again today. conditions are very favorable. high pressure over us. it's all the stormy weather is out on the west edges of the high. that ridge of high pressure so to speak, that big area of nice good weather. it covers what i have outlined here. all of the edges in florida, out in the dakotas through colorado, mountains of colorado. little unsettled. nice and quiet. if you like yesterday, you like today. the forecast is just ahead. >> sounds good. there's a wintry mix of news when it comes to the inevitable chilly conditions in the coming months. >> bge is predicting there will probably pay more for your heating bills with one important caveat. >> bundle up forecasters predict colder temperatures this winter therefore bge predicts higher gas bills upwards of 11% higher
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than last year. customers are expected to use more heat and pay roughly $9 more per month. despite the increase, bge said it's the second lowest bill hike in a decade. that's because natural gas market prices remain at historic lows and supply is up. >> combination of a down turn in the economy, combined with the pact that there have been new reserves, shale reserves for natural gas that have been discovered. >> your bill is determined by how much you dial up that thermostat so to what degree will it spell savings for you and me? >> ideally if you could set it at 68 that's the ideal temperature. but again, it really depends on your own home. >> with visions of a 2010 snow apocalypse still dancing in our head, the mayor is trying to get ahead of any storm that may come. friday she promised the city is prepared this time around. the snow removal budget stands at $2.7 million which is expected to pay for more than 300 essential personnel, 150
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pieces of equipment and 15,000 tons of salt to do the job. >> we also have worked on the contract ahead of time to make sure we have adequate resources in house and externally to deal with snow piling up. >> wbal tv 11 news. taking a look at some top stories. city police are investigating a shooting in southwest baltimore. it happened around 10:00 in the 3,000 block of elgin avenue. no word on the victim's condition. a motive or suspect in that. a school bus accident shut down a structure of route 97 in howard county. the bus ended up on its side after colliding with a car in glenn wood around 2:30 tuesday afternoon. there was one student on the bus at the time was not hurt, the bus driver and the other driver suffered minor injuries. there's no word on what caused that crash. fire officials are trying to
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determine what caused an auto repair shop to go up in flames. fire crews responded to the scene at the 600 block of crane highway in glenn bernie. that was around 10:30 friday morning. it took 63 firefighters two hours to put out the two alarm blaze. no injuries were reported. a week after stepping down as cia director over a sex scandal, it was back to capitol hill for general petraeus. he met privately to discuss the u.s. consulate attack in libya. lawmakers say petraeus testified classified intelligence showed the deadly raid that killed the u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three other americans and was an act af terrorism but held the information to avoid tipping them off. roscoe bartlett is a ten term congressman who carries a copy of the constitution at all times.
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so poor that his mother made their clothes out of feed sacks. after losing his re-election bid, he agreed to sit down with kate amare. he explained how a past he's been reluctant to reference before has left a lasting impact on capitol hill. >> i have just been very lucky. >> after 20 years representing the sixth district in congress, roscoe bartlett is packing up his office, going back to his farm. >> my present farm is to retire. we'll see what happens. >> his resume would make your head spin. farmer, doctor, business man, scientist, engineer for johns hopkins, nasa and the navy. an inventor with 20 patents, including the precursor to life support gear used by astronauts and firefighters. important parts of his past that have shaped his conscience, his votes, his legacy. >> i think it gives you a better
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appreciation of the background and impact. >> his greatest accomplishments here, fostering friendships across the aisle, supporting embryonic stem cell research without destroying embree yos and ging to the mat for green energy. >> my friend came. he said roscoe was green before it was cool to be green. >> but not convincing congress to address the looming oil crisis is a regret. and he still worries about a long ago vote in favor of medicare part d. >> that was a huge increase in mandatory spending. i bought newt gingrich's argument. >> interesting note here. after two failed runs for office, roscoe bartlett finally won the district seat back in 1992 after the district lines were redrawn. he lost the seat this year when the boundaries were redrawn once again. a chunk of conservative voters chopped off, a piece of suburban
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dc tacked on, the electorate change, the democrat won and bartlett said he's not bitter. >> they don't think they're going to be represented. >> his ten terms are up. time now he said to tackle a wish list of projects he put off for two long starting with farm and family. >> i have got ten kids and 18 grand kids and two great grand kids. we'll get to see more of them. who knows what the future holds. >> in washington, kate amare, wbal tv 11 news. thanksgiving support. coming up ravens star running back ray rice is helping feed local familys this holiday season. ravens fans gear up for one of the team's biggest games of the season. what they expect to happen as the team takes on the squealers next.
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have a good night. here you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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>> beautiful morning. clear skies. we're beginning to see the sun come up around the area. the key in our weather is this big area of high pressure that's more or less affecting the entire eastern seaboard. florida is out of the edges. they've got unsettled weather down there. we will be washing areas along the east coast south of us. as we go into the week approaching thanksgiving. it will be more active weather wise than points north. more on that in a minute. we'll take a look outside. there's the beach in ocean city. sun is coming up. things are quiet. looks like high tide is in. temperature 34 degrees along the boardwalk. little chilly. 32 on tv hill. 44 inner harbor. 82% the humidity. barometer way up there and
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rising. the winds are calm. so that high barometer reading, we're right under it right now. so cold air weighs down on you, but it keeps the storms away. 43 annapolis. 42. 34 we mentioned. edgewood. elk ton 32. below freezing in frederick at 27. around freezing in far western maryland right now. here's a look at the city. clear skies. nothing going on here. here's that area of high pressure. there's a little boundary, stalled front up in the great lakes, southern canada. there's a little cloudiness along that. basically quiet weather. you get to the disturbance down off florida. we have more unsettled winds. storms coming off out there. this is the area we'll be watching over the next few days. things will be percolating down there i guess is the best way to put it. quiet today with that high
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pressure sitting on top of us. 50 to 55 for the high. temperatures a couple degrees below what would be considered average for the season. north northeast winds five to ten miles an hour. if you're doing some traveling, the east coast is great. tampa's going to be some skaerted clouds at 78 degrees. seattle and vancouver down around los angeles. rain in the forecast. once you get into the mountains and west you're traveling, that's the unsettled weather. jet stream. colorful map. follows the dividing line between the oranges and blues and green. taking a big dip over the west coast. we have a little dip out here. that stormy weather, too. we advance the thanksgiving day. we still have stormy weather out west especially the pacific northwest. we have a feature off the east coast. that's what we're going to be watching to see how close to the coast that will be. but as we're being optimistic.
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looks dry for the next seven days including thanksgiving. we might run into a few clouds into monday. little fog monday morning. ray rice helped stuff a bus. several buses. could benefit the maryland food bank. they were stuffing empty buses full of nonperishable food items. the 19th annual event continues today from 9 until 5. some of the needed items include peanut butter, infant formula, diapers and pasta. if you have chance, head over there. speaks of the ravens a special purple friday. purple saturday. ahead of the sunday's big ravens game, that's when the baltimore ravens take on the pittsburgh steelers. >> it's a fun weekend. it is a rivalry that has fans ready for sunday night right now. >> purple coat. purple nails.
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>> purple pride for the baltimore ravens, one of the biggest games of the season. week 11 already. we're just now getting to watch the first ravens steelers matchup. division rivals in one of the best rivalries in the nfl. >> i'm excited, nervous, anxious, but i think i'm gonna win. >> i can't wait until they come here. >> i like it. it's really fun. my friends in school, they like the steelers, so it's fun when the steelers lose against the ravens. >> seems like when pittsburgh and ravens play, it's like a big rivalry. lot of pittsburgh fans can't stand the baltimore ravens and the baltimore ravens definitely do not like pittsburgh. so i can't wait until sunday night. high def, sitting right there before the game. best thing about it. >> that's right. with big ben out for the game, some fans are disappointed saying it's just not going to be the same. others, not so much.
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>> no. not at all. i hope he gets better. we're happy. >> i'm one of those that says, yes, when i heard that he was hurt. >> going to be more than a few players hurting come monday on both sides because these two teams play tough. >> okay, buddy. this one's for you. >> i have to do this now. >> here's a look at last night's winning lottery numbers. you can win. hire a trainer.
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all right. time now for 11 fitness and charles harris is with us. good morning to you. >> good morning. how you doing? >> i just ate some of gina's cookies here, so i got to work it off. >> lot of eating going on. >> lot of eating over thanksgiving. this is appropriate to get through the holidays without gaining unnecessary weight. today we want to do a total upper body workout. we're trading seats. i'm gonna train you this morning. >> i'm sitting there? >> right. first we can do a backup here. if you don't have a ball at home, you can use a chair. bring your knees in a little bit. >> okay. >> okay. >> see, they never tell me that.
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last time i got in trouble because i wore sneakers. you could see them. >> no problem. i like that. >> right. okay. then a shoulder press. >> you have ten pound weights. you'll do 25 repetitions. the heavier the weight, the less the reps. now a chest press is bring your elbows in. the best way to get definition, you use your body as a machine. >> the lower weight's okay. >> high repetitions. heavier weight for less repetition repetitions. what you're going to do is your tricep. you sweating yet? >> i need some water. what are we doing? >> triceps here, ladies and gentlemen. what you want to do is up and down. you can go a little bit heavier. still do 25 repetitions.
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you never want to take your elbows that low. so triceps make an l. go up. l and go up. >> this is stuff you can do around the house. >> after that thanksgiving dinner. >> just make sure you -- you should probably wait an hour after you wait. >> let the food digest. >> early in the morning. >> i'll do that. now i'm going to do it again. take it up. just come up. one at a time. right. then go left. keep your arms straight. your arms should be straight. >> very good. >> let's stand up. we have 30 seconds. >> obliques. get out of bed and join us. >> you, get out of bed. come on. >> let's go. to the side. >> okay.
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go. >> so this is great for the love handles. keep your legs straight. >> sorry. okay. >> six pack. >> feel my six pack. >> wait up. >> boom. >> now you're killing me, charles. >> okay. >> i'm gonna -- come on. nine, eight. seven. six. >> i said get outta bed! >> five, four, three, two, one. >> there's charles. check him out there.
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just two weeks after the teams go to m&t bank stadium to play for a state football championship, couple games you have to win to get to that point. we have regional finals. we're gonna start with the aaa north. this was something special. baltimore county. franklin playing host. tied at 14. franklin's hilton.
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racing there. his third td of the night. 21-14. not long after, reggie ellis. 13 yards. franklin in control 28-14. millers storm back. white. 28-27. extra point though no good. 2:40 to play. millford mill at it again. this time with the option to keep it. very good option to have. look at him go. 61 yards for a touchdown. 33-28. drives the length of the field. all kind of time for thornton. white lies in wait. game over. millford mill wins the aaa north. 33-28. here's defending aa state championships from river hill playing host to appleton. hawks down. two point converge good as well.
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may be the turning point of the game. we can say that it was. isaac murray. stripped by river hill. hawks recover. couple plays later. they take full advantage. takes the pitch. lets it fly. off and gone. 78 yards. raiders did fight back. raiders end up winning 35-27. college basketball last night. college park maryland. brooklyn first half. look at the move. splits the defenders. 7' 1". he scored maryland's first eight points. finished with 18. just before the buzzer. maryland with the lead at the break. second half. breaking out. on the assist from howard.
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howard with 13 assists in the game. then allen. five out of six from downtown. team high 19 points. maryland improves to 2-1 on the season with a victory. that's sports. we'll see you then back here tonight at 11. >> you can do both. >> i can do both. >> nice weather today. >> we'll see you in 25 minutes. today show is next. >> have a great morning.
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